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​CV summary

Currently based in Okinawa, Japan, I am dedicated to fostering a better understanding of neurodivergent people in Okinawa, Japan, and worldwide. Specifically, I am actively advocating for improved understanding and support regarding the mental and physical health challenges among neurodivergent people through research and public engagements. My research methodology involves co-production with neurodivergent individuals, utilizing a transdiagnostic approach.

Last updated in July 2024


  • Proficient in designing and conducing systematic reviews of quantitative and qualitative data

  • Experienced in designing, conducting, and analyzing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies (e.g., regressions, t-tests, reflexive thematic analysis, content analysis)

  • Demonstrated ability in effectively recruiting a substantial number of research participants (e.g., my PhD research included over 200 participants)

  • Adept at collaborating with international research teams across the world

  • Accomplished in delivering engaging presentations to diverse audiences, encompassing both academia and the general public


  • Founder of Valtameri, a global advocacy organization dedicated to neurodivergent individuals and their families. Valtameri provides tailored support through Specialist Mentoring and public lectures. Founded in March 2023, Valtameri emerged from my leadership at the previous Grace Center for Autism, where I advocated for two years. Our mission is to create a world where neurodivergent people and their families feel heard, understood, accepted, and supported. More information is available at Valtameri's website:

  • Founder of the first-ever Autistic Peer Group (APG) at University College London (UCL). I established APG from scratch in January 2019 and facilitated the group until January 2020. Leadership was subsequently passed to the next generation. APG remains a vital component of the current Autism Society at UCL, providing a sense of belonging and connection for autistic students.


September, 2024

Scholarship from the the national nonprofit Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) conference to virtually attend their annual conferences. Topics includes nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

July, 2024

Scholarship from the Ehlers-Danlos Society to virtually attend the 2024 Global Learning Conference in Philadelphia, USA, from July 17-21. Topics included the symptoms and co-occurring conditions of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) and hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD), covering issues from head to toe.

August, 2023

Scholarship from the Ehlers-Danlos Society to virtually attend the 2023 Global Learning Conference in Dublin, Ireland, August 2–5, 2023 – Application made for virtually attending an annual largest conference on Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and related conditions.

July 2023

1st place Academist Prize - eight researchers were selected to participate in a scheme called Academist Prize to maximize their research impacts in Japan.

May 2017, September 2016

Counselling Psychology Award by Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College, USA – Award was made by the university based on academic performances and attitudes

June 2014

Umeko Scholarship with Academic Merit by Tsuda College, Japan – Award was made annually to two students out of about 250 students based on academic excellence and characters.

June 2013

The Special Prize from the Judges in the Six-University English Speech Competition in Japan - Award was made to a student with excellent speech deliverance and contents.


Scheduled in August 2024

Invited to the multi-award-winning podcast "Beyond 6 Seconds" to discuss neurodivergence from the perspectives of both a researcher and an individual with lived experiences in Japan, the UK, and the USA.

July, 2024

Featured in the book, “Nine Minds”, by a best-selling author and well-known autistic savant, Daniel Tammet. Nine Minds explores the inner life of nine neurodivergent individuals including myself. Others featured in the book include some notable figures such as Dan Akroyd.


June, 2024

Interviewed for the Changemaker Series by Autistica, the UK's autism research charity, as one of the autistic individuals who is changing the world for autistic people.

November 2020

Interviewed by BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service for a documentary on autism, women and diagnostic process.

September 2020

Interviewed by Quest (a major Dutch science magazine) about autism in Japan.

June 2020

Featured in the article by Spectrum as an autistic scientist redefining autism research. The article was also shared on the Scientist.

PUBLICATIONS (* joint first author)

Please note that I have previously published under my legal last name, Umagami, and more recently started to publish under my preferred last name, Grace.


Peer reviewed journal articles


Grace, K., Remington, A., Davies, J., & Crane, L. (in preparation). “Trapped in a no-win situation”: exploring the Unique Experiences of Loneliness in Autistic Adults.

Han, E., Scior, K., Grace, K., Heath, E., Dufresne, S., & Crane, L. (2024). ‘Who, When, How to Share’: Pilot study of a new disclosure decision-making programme for autistic adults. Autism, 13623613231221685.


Dexter, S., Grace, K., Quinnell, S.-L., Surrey, A., & Crane, L. (2024). Towards ‘A Level Playing Field’: A Participatory Study of Autistic University Students’ Experiences with Academic Support in England. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 1-16.


Grace, K., Remington, A., Davies, J., & Crane, L. (2023). Evaluating measures to assess loneliness in autistic adults. Autism,


Han, E., Scior, K., Heath, E. L., Umagami, K., & Crane, L. (2023). Development of stigma-related support for autistic adults: insights from the autism community. Autism.


Grace, K., Remington, A., Lloyd-Evans, B., Davies, J., & Crane, L. (2022). Loneliness in autistic adults: A systematic review. Autism, 26(8), 2117–2135.


Doctoral thesis


Umagami, K. (2023). Towards a better understanding of loneliness in autistic adults: examining measurement tools and lived experiences [Doctoral thesis, University College London]. 


Media articles


Umagami. K., (2023). Loneliness in Autistic Adults. Campaign to End Loneliness.


Davies, J., Han, E., & Umagami, K.* (2021, December). “Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults” – a review. Centre for Research in Autism and Education.


Ashworth, M., Umagami, K.*, Malyan, D., & Pryke-Hobbes, A. (2021, April). “Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children: A Guide for Autistic Wellbeing”. The British Psychological Society.

PRESENTATIONS (* invited speaker)

Please note that I have previously given presentations using my legal last name, Umagami, and more recently started to present using my preferred last name, Grace.


Conference presentations


Love, A. M. A., Edwards, C., Cai, R. Y., Grace, K., Toland, M. D., Dueber, D. M., Lim, M., & Gibbs, V. (2025, April). A Collaborative Approach to Adapting Measures for Use with Autistic Individuals: The UCLA Loneliness Scale. Proposal submitted for consideration for the 2025 annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association.

Grace, K.* (2024, July). Loneliness in Autistic Adults [keynote presentation]. Aspect Assessments & Therapy National Conference, Autism Spectrum Australia, Sydney Australia.

Love, A. M. A., Edwards, C., Cai, R. Y., Grace, K., Toland, M. T., Dueber, D., Lim, M., & Gibbs, V. (scheduled in May, 2024). Responding to calls for accessible surveys: Psychometric evidence for an adaptation of a loneliness scale for autistic adults. The International Society for Autism Research annual meeting 2024, Melbourne, Australia.

Grace, K.* (scheduled in 2024, March). Neurodiversity and inclusive communication (provisional title) [keynote presentation]. Inclusive Communication Symposium 2024, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan.


Grace, K.*, Matsuda, M. (scheduled in 2024, March). [featured panel]. Inclusive Communication Symposium 2024, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan.

Love, A.M.A., Edwards, C., Grace, K., Cai, R.Y., Gibbs, Vicki. (November, 2023). [oral presentation] Adaptation of a Loneliness Scale for Autistic Adults. Ending Loneliness Together Research Symposium, Sydney, Australia.


Umagami, K.* (2023, May). Loneliness in autistic adults [keynote presentation]. Annual Research Webinar. Loneliness and Social Isolation Mental Health Research Network at University College London funded by the UK Research and Innovation, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2023, March). Autistic adults’ views on commonly-used measures for assessing loneliness: an online survey [Poster presentation]. ITAKOM (it takes all kinds of minds), Edinburgh, UK.


Umagami, K. (2022, June). Loneliness in autistic adults: a systematic review. [Pre-recorded video presentation]. UCL’s Loneliness and Social Isolation Research Network Summer Showcase Symposium, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2021, July). Loneliness in autistic adults: a systematic review. [Panel session]. Autistica Research Festival 2021: Mental Health, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2017, April). The chemistry between autistic people and horses. [Poster presentation]. Student Research Conference at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, USA.

Public Engagement


Grace , K.* (2024, January). Unmasking the Invisible Struggles: Navigating Neurodivergence and Co-Occurring Challenges [public lecture]. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan.

Grace, K.* (2023, July). Autism as an invisible disability: What you see is NOT everything [public lecture]. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan.



Grace, K.* (scheduled in 2024, May). Loneliness in autistic adults: what we know and what we can do about It [Webinar]. UCL’s Group for Research in Relationships and Neurodiversity (GRRAND), London, UK.


Grace, K.* (December, 2023). AI and Neurodiversity [Webinar]. Academist, Tokyo, Japan.


Grace, K.*, Lim, M., Love, A. (2023, October). Loneliness and autism [Webinar]. Autism Spectrum Australia, Sydney, Australia. 


Brede, J., Russell, A., Umagami, K.*, Harper, G. (2023, January). Autistic adults' experiences in mental health services [Webinar]. Autistica, London, UK.


Lab meetings/seminars


Umagami, K*. (2023, April). Towards a better understanding of loneliness in autistic adults: examining measurement tools and lived experiences [Oral presentation]. Autism ResearCH (ARCH) seminar at King's College London, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2023, March). Towards a better understanding of loneliness in autistic adults: examining measurement tools and lived experiences [Oral presentation]. CRAE lab meeting, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2021, April). Qualitative study on experiences of loneliness among autistic adults [Oral presentation]. CRAE lab meeting, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2019, November). Loneliness in autism. [Oral presentation]. CRAE lab meeting, London, UK.


Umagami, K. (2018, December). Loneliness in autism. [Oral presentation]. CRAE lab meeting, London, UK.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (*invited trainer/lecturer)

Graduate Teaching


October 2024 – October 2026*

Sheffield Hallam University/National Autistic Society

Invited as a guest lecturer on the Postgraduate Certification course in Autism led by Dr Luke Beardon.


November 2023*

Collaborative Centre for Inclusion Health, UCL, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care

Invited to deliver training courses on co-production for the Masters in Public Health students.

October 2021 – September 2022

Social Research Institute at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant for several different modules (online). Tasks as a TA included marking multiple choice questions for the undergraduate module on Foundations in Psychology II.

Neurodiversity Training

Scheduled in 2024, July*

Autism Spectrum Australia

Invited to give a training session on loneliness and sociality in autistic adults for therapists who work with autistic adults.

November 2021*

Optimum Student Support

Invited to provide a training video on sociality in autism as part of their training course for Specialist Autism Mentors (i.e., autistic/non-autistic mentors who have been trained in the field of autism).



May 2020 - present

Specialist Mentor for neurodivergent people (freelance)

Providing one-to-one individualized support for neurodivergent children, young people, and adults (e.g., pre-/post-diagnostic support, time management and planning, building study routine).


December 2023 - present

International Advisor for Neurodivergence and Co-Production at SEDSConnective, UK. This appointment was followed by a personal invitation from the Chair of SEDSConnective, Jane Green, MBE. SEDSConnective is a renowned charity dedicated to advocating for neurodivergent people and those with symptomatic hypermobility.


June 2023 - present

Peer-reviewer for journals (e.g., Autism, Research in Special Educational Needs, Autism in Adulthood, and Campbell Systematic Review)

June 2023 – present

A steering group member at the Embracing Complexity, a coalition of over 60 organisations in the UK, which aims to conduct/disseminate research to better understand the complexity in neurodivergent people and to make the society more inclusive of them.

April 2022 – present

Expert Review Panel (ERP) member at Autistica. I review research applications to Autistica’s funding rounds throughout the year. The ERP helps ensure that Autistica funds research that is ethical, that aligns with the perspectives and values of the autism community, and that will lead to perspectives and values of the autism community, and that will lead to benefits for autistic people and their allies.


January 2024 – December 2024


Co-researcher in a cross-cultural study examining stigma experienced by autistic people in Japan, USA, and South Korea. My involvement was initiated through a personal invitation from the Principal Investigator.


June 2023 – present


Co-researcher on a research project to investigate suicidality among autistic adults, a role I undertook following a personal invitation from the Principal Investigator.

June 2023 - present

Research Partner

Research partner with Autism Spectrum Australia on a project to adapt a measure of loneliness for autistic adults. My involvement was a direct result of an invitation from the research team at Autism Spectrum Australia, extending the scope of one of my doctoral studies. More information on this project is available here:

June 2023 – July 2023


Research consultant for co-designing a digital guide for supermarkets. This Sensory Street project led by researchers at University of Reading and University of Durham.

October 2021 – present

Co-production consultant

UCL’s Co-Production Collective Community Area Pioneer to create an inclusive online community space for co-production.

September 2021 - present


Research collaborator for an intervention study of diagnostic disclosure decision-making for autistic adults led by Emeline Han, a PhD student at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society.

September 2021


Research consultant for research on self-compassion among autistic women led by Nancy Da Silva at Canterbury Christ Church University.

May 2021 - September 2021


Research collaborator for the SoRA (Statement of Reasonable Adjustment) project led by Sam Dexter (Master’s student at the time of the project) at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, aiming to explore the experiences that autistic students have at UCL with their SoRA.


October 2023 - present

A member of the Community Against Prejudice Towards Autistic People (CAPTAP) led by Dr Monique Botha and Dr Eilidh Cage at the University of Stirling and Kayden Stockwell from the University of Virginia.

January 2022 – December 2022

A member of the Mental Health Study Group at Autistica which aims to improve research on autism and mental health. The group was led by Professor Emily Simonoff and involved 10 other members including world-leading autism researchers such as Prof. Ailsa Russell, Dr Sarah Cassidy, and Prof. Jacqui Rodgers.

October 2018 – present

A member of UCL’s Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network.


July 2023 - present

Helping the UCL’s Co-Production Collective to communicate their work on co-production with wider community in an accessible way (as a member of the Communication Sub Group of the UCL’s Co-Production Collective).

July 2023

Delivered a talk on autism and neurodiversity, entitled “autism as an invisible disability: what you see is NOT everything” at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) (in English and Japanese).

October 2019

Supported the visualization of brain waves using Muse headsets at the UCL’s It’s All Academic.

January 2019 -January 2020

I founded and facilitated the first-ever Autistic Peer Group at UCL (UCL Autism Society) in January 2019. I facilitated the group till January 2020 when I passed the leadership to the next generation.


October 2017 - December 2018

Contributed blogs on autism on an online magazine, the Mighty.

September 2017

Contributed a blog on autism in Japan on the UK’s autism charity, Ambitious about Autism.

October 2015 – September 2016

Volunteered as an assistant social worker at the chemotherapy/oncology unit at Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Centre in Boston, USA.

September 2015

Volunteered as an English-Japanese translator and teaching assistant at the Programme of Intensive English (PIE) at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, USA.

August 2014 – September 2014

Volunteered at a nursing home in Japan to spend time with elderly people with dementia.

October 2013 – October 2014

Taught English conversation classes to 1st-6th graders in Japan.

© 2024 by Dr Kana Grace, PhD

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